APPENDIX B - Commonly Used MIME Media Types

Several types and subtypes of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) were defined by Request For Comments (RFC) 1341 in 1992. Many more have subsequently been approved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). It was the expressed intention of the original RFC that the number of MIME types be limited to the seven proposed in the RFC, as follows:

Within each type, various subtypes are allowed and are appended to the type with a slash (/). Tables B.1 through B.7 list all the IANA-approved MIME types and subtypes (in boldface italic) as well as additional types that appear to be supported by the popular servers and browsers. I'm indebted to Ken Jenks for his list found at B.1 MIME Type: Application

        Win     Win AIR Win     Mac     NCSA    W3/
        Netscape        Mosaic  Mosaic  Mosaic  HTTPD   CERN
        1.1N            2.0     2.0     1.4.2   HTTPD

application/acad                                                [ts]
application/activemessage                                       [ts]    
application/andrew-inset                                        [ts]    
application/applefile                                   [ts]    
application/atomicmail                                  [ts]    
application/clariscad                                           [ts]
application/dca-rft                                     [ts]    
application/dec-dx                                      [ts]    
application/drafting                                            [ts]
application/dxf                                         [ts]
application/excel                       [ts]                    
application/fractals    [ts]                                    
application/i-deas                                              [ts]
application/iges                                                [ts]
application/macbinary                           [ts]            
application/mac-binhex40        [ts]                    [ts]    [ts]    
application/macwriteii                                  [ts]    
application/msword                                      [ts]    
application/news-message-id                                     [ts]    
application/news-                                       [ts]    
application/octet-stream                                        [ts]    [ts]
application/oda [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
application/pdf                                 [ts]    [ts]
application/postscript  [ts]    [ts]    [ts]            [ts]    [ts]
application/powerpoint                  [ts]                    
application/pro_eng                                             [ts]
application/remote-printing                                     [ts]    
application/rtf                                 [ts]    
application/set                                         [ts]
application/SLA                                         [ts]
application/slate                                       [ts]    
application/solids                                              [ts]
application/STEP                                                [ts]
application/vda                                         [ts]
application/wita                                        [ts]    
application/word                        [ts]                    
application/wordperfect5.1                                      [ts]    
application/x-bcpio                                     [ts]    [ts]
application/x-compressed        [ts]                                    
application/x-cpio                                      [ts]    [ts]
application/x-csh       [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
application/x-dvi                                       [ts]    [ts]
application/x-gtar                                      [ts]    [ts]
application/x-hdf                                       [ts]    [ts]
application/x-latex     [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
application/x-mif                                       [ts]    
application/x-netcdf                                    [ts]    [ts]
application/x-rtf       [ts]    [ts]    [ts]                    [ts]
application/x-sh        [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
application/x-shar                                      [ts]    [ts]
application/x-stuffit   [ts]                                    
application/x-sv4cpio                                   [ts]    [ts]
application/x-sv4crc                                    [ts]    [ts]
application/x-tar       [ts]                            [ts]    
application/x-tcl                                       [ts]    [ts]
application/x-tex                                       [ts]    [ts]
application/x-texinfo                                   [ts]    [ts]
application/x-troff                                     [ts]    [ts]
application/x-troff-man [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
application/x-troff-me                                  [ts]    [ts]
application/x-troff-ms                                  [ts]    [ts]
application/x-ustar                                     [ts]    
application/x-wais-source                                       [ts]    [ts]
application/zip                                 [ts]    
Table B.2 MIME Type: Audio
        Win     Win     Win     Mac     NCSA
        Netscape        AIR     Mosaic  Mosaic  HTTPD   W3/CERN
        1.1N    Mosaic  2.0     2.0     1.4.2   HTTPD
audio/au                        [ts]                    
audio/basic     [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]
audio/wav               [ts]    [ts]                    
audio/x-aiff    [ts]                    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]
audio/x-midi            [ts]    [ts]                    
audio/x-wav     [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
Table B.3 MIME Type: Image
***Note another wider-than-usual table below.***
        Win     Win     Win     Mac     NCSA
        Netscape        AIR     Mosaic  Mosaic  HTTPD   W3/CERN
        1.1N    Mosaic  2.0     2.0     1.4.2   HTTPD
image/bmp                       [ts]                    
image/cmu-raster                                                [ts]
image/gif       [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]
image/ief                                       [ts]    [ts]
image/jpeg      [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]
image/targa             [ts]                            
image/tiff      [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-cmu-raster      [ts]                            [ts]    
image/x-pict                            [ts]            
image/x-portable-anymap [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-portable-bitmap [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-portable-graymap        [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-portable-pixmap [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-rgb     [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-tiff                    [ts]                    
image/x-win-bmp         [ts]                            
image/x-xbitmap [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-xbm                             [ts]            
image/x-xpixmap [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
image/x-xwindowdump                                     [ts]    [ts]
Table B.4 MIME Type: Message
***Note another wider-than-usual table below.***
        Win     Win     Win     Mac     NCSA
        Netscape        AIR     Mosaic  Mosaic  HTTPD   W3/CERN
        1.1N    Mosaic  2.0     2.0     1.4.2   HTTPD
message/external-body                                   [ts]    
message/news                                    [ts]    
message/partial                                 [ts]    
message/rfc822                                  [ts]    
Table B.5 MIME Type: Multipart
***Note another wider-than-usual table below.***
        Win     Win     Win     Mac     NCSA
        Netscape        AIR     Mosaic  Mosaic  HTTPD   W3/CERN
        1.1N    Mosaic  2.0     2.0     1.4.2   HTTPD
multipart/alternative                                   [ts]    
multipart/appledouble                                   [ts]    
multipart/digest                                        [ts]    
multipart/mixed                                 [ts]    
multipart/parallel                                      [ts]    
multipart/x-gzip                                                [ts]
multipart/x-tar                                         [ts]
multipart/x-ustar                                               [ts]
multipart/x-zip                                         [ts]
Table B.6 MIME Type: Text
***Note another wider-than-usual table below.***
        Win     Win     Win     Mac     NCSA
        Netscape        AIR     Mosaic  Mosaic  HTTPD   W3/CERN
        1.1N    Mosaic  2.0     2.0     1.4.2   HTTPD
text/html               [ts]    [ts]    [ts]            [ts]
text/plain      [ts]            [ts]            [ts]    [ts]
text/richtext   [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]
text/tab-separated-                                     [ts]    [ts]
text/x-setext                                   [ts]    [ts]
text/x-sgml                                     [ts]    Table B.7 MIME Type: Video
        Win     Win     Win     Mac     NCSA
        Netscape        AIR     Mosaic  Mosaic  HTTPD   W3/CERN
        1.1N    Mosaic  2.0     2.0     1.4.2   HTTPD
video/mpeg      [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]
video/mplayer                   [ts]                    
video/msvideo           [ts]    [ts]                    
video/qtime                     [ts]                    
video/quicktime [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]    [ts]
video/x-msvideo [ts]            [ts]            [ts]    [ts]
video/x-sgi-movie       [ts]                            [ts]    [ts]

In addition to the types indicated, NCSA Mosaic 2.0 supports a type of telnet (with no subtype).

To find out about current IANA-approved media types, visit the anonymous FTP site This site also contains subdirectories named for the major MIME types. A short text file giving an explanation of each approved type appears in each subdirectory.

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