Day 7

Extending Your Web Page Through Client-Side Script

Most of the focus for the week has been on the client. You have learned the basic building blocks of building a better client Web page. On this last day of the first week, you will learn a final piece to the client side of the application puzzle. Client-side scripting can provide a dynamic experience for the user if used in the right manner.

The first part of the day is an overview of how to successfully use scripting code on the client. You will gain an understanding of the power and pitfalls of executing script within the context of the user's browser. The lesson then defines VBScript and JavaScript. These two scripting languages are the most popular and widely used languages for coding client-side script. You also will learn how script code interacts and coexists with your HTML code.

The latter part of the day provides you with some VBScript basics. This section is not meant to be an exhaustive discourse on the topic of VBScript; however, it will give you a pretty detailed overview on the features and capabilities of the language. The last section teaches you how to use VBScript in your applications for the Web. In this section, specific examples of VBScript and web page interaction are covered.

Scripting for Success

HTML provides a standard method for Web browsers to render web pages but lacks the power to interact with the user. Scripting languages were created to provide a method for the user to interact with the web page. The user metaphor for the Web has gone from information gathering to true interaction. Web-based applications must have a way to interact with the user. HTML does a fairly good job of formatting documents for the Web but can't handle application processing.

The first applications for the Web used the server to execute special instructions and application logic. Program interfaces on the server like CGI have provided this processing in the past. This model is very inefficient in that the information and logic that could be verified and processed on the client is constantly passed back and forth between the client and the server. This situation creates more traffic across the network and additional processing for the server machine.

Client-side script can help alleviate this inefficient process. With the advent of scripting languages, the Web browser can process certain functions on the client through the use of script code embedded in the HTML. Script is normally used for user-initiated events like form activities or mouse events. For example, you can use client-side script to verify that a user entered the right type of information into a field on a form. A user that clicks the mouse or moves the mouse over a certain area of the web page could also trigger the execution of client-side script.

NOTE: All references to script in this chapter pertain to the implementation of script within an HTML web page on a client machine unless noted otherwise. Day 11, "Extending Your Application Through Active Server Script," covers the concepts of implementing script on the server.

The advantages of using client-side script in your HTML web page include

  • Increased interaction with the user

  • Shared processing of simple tasks with the server

  • Integration of multiple objects like ActiveX controls and HTML form controls

  • More responsive web pages

There are some limitations to executing script on your client. First, security models are still being developed for the different scripting languages. Some people might argue that there is no definitive model. Most scripting languages were specifically designed with limitations that prevent the code from performing destructive actions on the client machine like destroying files. For instance, scripting languages cannot perform file I/O.

Another limitation to scripting languages is the lack of support for defining different data types. For example, VBScript only supports one data type. If you want to use a different data type, you have to change the type programmatically. The key point is that you must be careful in coding your client-side script. Both Microsoft and Netscape have attempted to implement security measures for their languages. You should, however, be cognizant of the fact that this code is still executing on an unsecured client machine.

You should definitely implement client-side script as a part of your Web-based application. The benefits far outweigh the limitations as long as you construct your code in the right manner. In this respect, a Web-based application is analogous to a movie. A movie must contain a good script no matter how good the actors are. Likewise, your applications must contain effective script to produce the desired results for your applications. You will learn how to implement effective script later in the day.

The Marriage of HTML and Scripting Languages

Scripting code is embedded within the confines of an HTML page. The <SCRIPT> and </SCRIPT> tags separate the script from the rest of the HTML. Listing 7.1 demonstrates the structure of an HTML document that contains scripting code.

Listing 7.1. VBScript code example.

<TITLE>VBScript Page </TITLE>
<P>HTML Paragraph Text
...VB Scripting Code is here

In this example, the HTML document uses VBScript as its language. You can see the type of scripting language in the following line:


The next line contains a comment tag that denotes the beginning of the scripting code. A comment tag is used for those browsers that can't execute script. Scripting code is hidden from these browsers and treated as if the code were comments. The next line contains the actual script. Your scripting code extends for multiple lines within your document. A closing comment tag is placed at the end of the script. This tag is followed by an ending </SCRIPT> tag.

NOTE: Script can be displayed in the <HEAD> and <BODY> sections. If the script is included in the <HEAD> section, the code is interpreted before the page is fully downloaded.

Scripting languages like VBScript and JavaScript are interpreted languages. An interpreted language must be translated by another program at runtime to be able to execute. This interpreter program performs the same duties as a person who acts as a translator between people who speak different languages. The interpreter listens to the speech of one person and translates those words into words that the second person can understand. In a similar fashion, an interpreter program must translate the language of a scripting program to a language that the client machine can understand. Given the code in Listing 7.1, the VBScript interpreter looks for the <SCRIPT> tags and processes all of the code in between.

For browsers that can read and support client script, the integration and marriage of HTML and script can be quite harmonious. You will definitely see the benefit of using scripting code on the client machine when you're building an application for the Web. Client-side script can significantly enhance the use of objects like Java applets, ActiveX controls, and HTML form controls.

You're probably wondering about the different scripting languages that are available. The next two sections provide a definition and overview of the two most widely used scripting languages.

What Is VBScript?

VBScript is a subset of the Visual Basic language and is Microsoft's entry into the Internet scripting languages arena. For developers who are familiar with Visual Basic, you will recognize much of the VBScript language and syntax. VBScript is very easy to learn and implement. Microsoft has created and optimized this scripting language specifically for the Internet. Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.0 supports the use of VBScript by providing the VBScript run-time interpreter.

VBScript uses procedures and functions to process your application needs.

What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript performs the same type of scripting extensions as VBScript. Netscape collaborated with Sun Microsystems to develop JavaScript as a scripting language to accentuate the Java programming language. Like VBScript, JavaScript is interpreted at runtime. You must use a browser that includes a JavaScript runtime interpreter.

Many publications use the terms JavaScript and Java interchangeably. JavaScript is not Java. The Java programming language enables you to create applets and applications. These programs are precompiled programs that execute specific functions. You can insert Java applets into your web page. You also can call Java programs on the server to process more extensive application logic.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is an interpreted scripting language that resides within the context of an HTML page. The browser, with the help of a JavaScript run-time interpreter, translates the script along with the rest of the HTML when the web page is downloaded from the server. JavaScript, by nature, doesn't possess the strength or robustness of the Java programming language. JavaScript borrows much of its syntax from the Java language. Listing 7.2 demonstrates the format for JavaScript code within an HTML document.

Listing 7.2. JavaScript code example.

<TITLE>JavaScript Page </TITLE>
<P>HTML Paragraph Text
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
...JavaScript Scripting Code is here
// -->

In Listing 7.2, notice the closing comment tag is different than the closing comment in the previous VBScript example. For JavaScript, a closing comment tag is denoted by two forward slashes. Also, the <SCRIPT LANGUAGE> tag set to "JavaScript" indicates that the scripting language is JavaScript.

VBScript and JavaScript are similar in coding structure. JavaScript, like VBScript, doesn't support specific type casting of variables. An integer is represented in the same way as a string. Also, JavaScript makes use of functions, methods, and properties, similar to VBScript, to accomplish its tasks. Functions are defined in the following section, "VBScript Basics." Methods and properties are defined on Day 13, "Interacting with Objects and ActiveX Controls."

NOTE: At the time of the writing of this book, VBScript and JScript were only supported by Internet Explorer 3.0 and higher, while JavaScript was supported by both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator and Communicator.

Listing 7.3 shows a sample page implemented with VBScript.

Listing 7.3. Hello world with VBScript.

Sub DisplayHello_onClick()
MsgBox "Hello world!", 0, "VBScript"
end sub
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<TITLE>Sample VBScript Page</TITLE>
<H1>This is VBScript </H1>
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Display VBScript" NAME="DisplayHello">
<a href="HelloWorld.htm">Hello World Home Page</a>

Listing 7.4 shows the same sample page implemented with JScript.

Listing 7.4. Hello world with JavaScript.

function DisplayHello() {
alert("Hello world!");
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<TITLE>Sample JavaScript Page</TITLE>
<H1>This is JavaScript</H1>
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Display JavaScript" onclick="DisplayHello()">
<a href="HelloWorld.htm">Hello World Home Page</a>

These two code examples show some differences between VBScript and JavaScript. The first difference is the format of a JavaScript function. The syntax is very similar to the C++ language, which uses braces to organize a block of code statements and semicolons to signify the end of a statement.

Another difference is the method that is used to call a JavaScript function. Notice in the JavaScript example that the word onclick is used to call the function. In the VBScript code, the word NAME is used to activate the procedure. If you aren't familiar with C++ or Java, VBScript may seem like the more intuitive language. Both languages support your needs for providing robust, client-side functionality.

Microsoft has reverse engineered the JavaScript code into its own implementation called JScript. Both implementations are pretty much the same, although peculiarities do exist. Microsoft and Netscape agreed in November 1995 to define a single specification for JavaScript that will be managed by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) standards body. This single specification hopefully avoids the problem that people have experienced with other "open" technologies, such as the UNIX operating system.

NOTE: Visual InterDev natively supports the use of JScript with its editors and tools. When you choose a scripting language for your projects, you must either choose VBScript or JScript. You can, however, create a web page containing JavaScript with another editor, such as Notepad, and insert this file into your project.

VBScript Basics

This part of the lesson teaches you the basic building blocks for creating VBScript code. In the section "Using VBScript to Extend Your Web Page," you apply these lessons and discover how to integrate VBScript into a web page.

Understanding Procedures

VBScript uses procedures to provide a home for its code. You're probably familiar with the concept of using procedures. Most programming environments, regardless of the language, use procedures as their basic foundation. Procedures provide a logical container for groups of related code.

New Term: A procedure is a logical grouping of code statements that works together to complete a specific task. Procedures can be called from within your application and also can call other procedures.

VBScript contains three types of procedures:

1. Sub procedures


Event procedures

Sub Procedures

A sub procedure is a group of related VBScript code statements that complete a task but do not return a value to the calling program. I stated before that a procedure is called from your application or another procedure. When a program or procedure calls a sub procedure, the caller asks the procedure to perform a task. The calling program isn't interested in receiving anything in return. This process is analogous to a person calling a restaurant for carry-out food. The person calls the restaurant to prepare the food, and the person then drives to the restaurant to pick up the food. I will contrast this process with that of a function in the next section, so keep the food analogy fresh on your mind.

When a sub procedure is invoked, program control is temporarily passed to the called procedure. A sub procedure is denoted by the Sub and End Sub keywords. You can think of these keywords as tags that signify the beginning and ending of the procedure. They are similar in nature to HTML tags that mark the beginning and ending of an HTML element. The following code segment illustrates the basic structure of a sub procedure:

Sub CalculateTotal (A,B)
MsgBox "The total is " & Total
End Sub

In this example, CalculateTotal is the name of the sub procedure. A and B refer to arguments that are passed by the calling program. These arguments are optional. You can pass up to n arguments to the called sub procedure. You also may develop procedures that don't need parameters to be passed. For those sub procedures, the parentheses are optional.

New Term: An argument is a variable that a procedure needs to complete its task. You can specify a number of arguments to be passed as long as they're in the correct order.

You can pass arguments by value to the procedure. You specify an argument to be passed by value by placing ByVal in front of the argument.

New Term: By value means that a copy of the variable's value is passed to the procedure. The procedure can use this value as well as make changes to it within the scope of the procedure. Because the variable is passed as a copy, changes that are made by the procedure to the value of the variable don't affect the original variable.

The following code segment demonstrates how to pass a variable by value:

Sub CalculateTotal(ByVal A, ByVal B).

Arguments also can be passed by reference. This method is the default method of passing a variable. This method differs from the traditional way that other development tools such as Visual Basic construe passing a variable by reference.

New Term: By reference in VBScript means that a variable's value is passed to the procedure as read-only. The procedure can read the value but can't make any changes to it.

In Visual Basic and other tools, passing a variable by reference enables you to access the storage of the original variable and changes the contents of the original variable. After the procedure has completed, the variable reflects the changes when the calling program tries to access its contents. VBScript doesn't enable you to alter the contents of the original variable.

You do not have to explicitly state that you're passing a variable by reference. The following code example shows how to pass a variable by reference:

Sub CalculateTotal(A, B).

You should develop descriptive names for your sub procedures so that anyone who uses the procedure will know what it does. I prefer to name my procedures using a verb-object nomenclature. For example, if I developed a procedure to format a date to display to the user, I would name that procedure FormatDate. Format is the verb that tells what the procedure is doing, and Date represents the object that is the object of the action. The preceding example multiplied two numbers to calculate a total, hence the name CalculateTotal. Valid characters to include in your procedure name include letters and numbers as long as the first character is not a number. You can't use symbols in your procedure name. VBScript performs error checking on your names to validate their syntax.

To call a sub procedure, you simply enter the name of the procedure. You also can use the optional Call keyword to activate a procedure. The following examples demonstrate how to call a sub procedure. The first example uses the Call keyword while the second example only states the name of the procedure. To call the CalculateTotal sub procedure, you can use

Call CalculateTotal(A, B)


CalculateTotal(A, B)

If the procedure that you're calling requires arguments, place the arguments within optional parentheses after the name of the procedure. To call the FormatDate procedure that doesn't require parameters, enter




VBScript provides you with a lot of flexibility when calling a sub procedure. You may want to explicitly call procedures with the Call keyword so that you can distinguish the difference between a sub procedure and other elements within your code, such as variables.


The second type of procedure is a function. Similar to a procedure, a function is a collection of VBScript statements that work together to perform a task. The difference between a procedure and a function is that a function can return a value.

New Term: A function is a group of code statements that collaborate to accomplish a task. A function is similar to a procedure in that a function can accept arguments and be called from the application and other procedures. A function can return a value to the calling program.

A function is denoted by the Function and End Function keywords. The following code example demonstrates the structure of a function.

Function Function Name(Argument 1, Argument 2,..., Argument n)
...Function Code
End Function

The structure of a function is very similar to the structure of a sub procedure. The same rules concerning sub procedure names and arguments apply to functions. I stated that the distinguishing factor concerning a function was the ability to return a value to the calling function.

When I explained the concept of a sub procedure, I used the analogy of calling a restaurant to order carry out. You call the restaurant, order the food, and pick it up from the restaurant. Extending the analogy, the function represents a person who calls and orders food to be delivered. You call the restaurant and ask for a mushroom pizza to be delivered to your house. The restaurant informs you that they need to cook the pizza, and it will be delivered in 30 minutes. The delivery person drives to your house and delivers the pizza. You can then use the pizza to feed yourself and your family. Similarly, a program makes a request of a function expecting to get something in return. When the function finishes executing its code, it sends a value back to the calling program. Listing 7.5 illustrates how a procedure can call a sample VBScript function and receive a value in return.

Listing 7.5. Returning a value.

Sub ConvertTemp()
temp = InputBox("Please enter the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit:", 1)
MsgBox "The temperature is " & Celsius(temp) & " degrees C."
End Sub

Function Celsius(fDegrees)
Celsius = (fDegrees - 32) * 5 / 9
End Function

In this code example, the sub procedure prompts the user to enter a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. After the user enters the number, the function is called to convert the temperature to Celsius. Notice that the function variable, Celsius, which captures the converted temperature, is the same as the name of the function. In order to return a value back to the calling program, you must specify a variable to have the same name as the function. By design, the function returns a value through the use of its own name as the variable.

The function in Listing 7.5 contained only one line of code. Most of your functions will contain multiple lines of VBScript code. For this reason, you should make it a practice to populate the function variable in the last line of the function code. Listing 7.6 shows a sample function that contains multiple lines of code.

Listing 7.6. Formatting the function variable on the last line of code.

Function CalculateAverage(A,B)
Dim Total
Total = (A*B)/2
CalculateAverage = Total
End Function

In this example, a temporary variable, Total, is established to hold the value of the calculated average. On the last line of the function, CalculateAverage is set to the value that is stored within the Total variable. Although a simple example, I think you can extrapolate the significance if your function code has many lines. Using this standard can provide meaning to your functions. You will always know to look at the last line of the code for the value that is being returned to the calling program. Assigning the function variable on the last line of the function also prevents this statement from getting lost in the shuffle of your code.

Calling a function is different from calling a procedure. Because a function returns a value, you must be prepared to do something with the value when it returns from the function. The syntax for calling a function is

Return_Variable = Function Name(Argument 1, Argument 2,..., Argument n)

where Return_Variable is the name of the variable that will store the value that is returned from the function. To call the CalculateAverage function, you could enter either

Average = CalculateAverage(A,B)


Average = CalculateAverage A,B

Notice that the parentheses are optional. For a function that doesn't require arguments, you can enter either

Date1 = FormatDate()


Date1 = FormatDate

Notice again that the parentheses are optional.

Functions are very useful when you need to complete a task and then return the results back to the calling program.

Event Procedures

The first two procedures that you have learned about are procedures that you can create. The event procedure is different from sub procedures and functions in that it is constructed automatically for you by the objects and controls that you use to build your application. Event procedures also differ from sub procedures and functions in the manner that they are initiated. The browser calls event procedures automatically, based on user actions and requests. With sub procedures and functions, you must call them within the context of your program.

New Term: An event procedure is a group of code statements activated by a user-initiated event. This action could be the result of a user action such as clicking a button. An event procedure also could be triggered by a system action where the user has made a request of the system and the system needs to respond.

When you use objects such as ActiveX controls to create your application interface, standard events are associated with these controls. For example, a user can click a button; therefore, a standard event for a button is the On_Click event. This event is triggered and its code is executed any time the user clicks the button. The structure for your event procedure code is constructed automatically based on the controls that you select. You must fill in the blank with any code that you want processed when the event is initiated.

NOTE: On Day 4, "Creating Your First Visual InterDev Project," you received a glimpse of event procedures when you inserted some code for the Say Hello button. You used the Script Wizard to generate some of the code for you. You will learn more about using the Script Wizard to generate your scripting code for control events on Day 15, "Integrating Objects into Your Applications."

You don't have much choice in naming your event procedures. Most of the time this name is generated for you. The standard naming convention for an event procedure is as follows:

Sub ControlName_EventName()

ControlName is the name of the control and EventName refers to the name of the event. For example, an event procedure for a click event associated with the Submit button might be called

Sub cmdSubmit_OnClick

NOTE: The control name is based on the ID property value that you establish when you place the control within your application. In the preceding example, I placed a button on a web page and changed the value for the ID property to cmdSubmit. Naming conventions for controls are explained in more detail on Day 13.

Event procedures are preconstructed programming shells that a control provides for you. Each control will have a different set of events associated with it. Event procedures serve as a helpful reminder to think about the various user and system actions that can occur within your application. Based on these actions, you can then provide the logic process and handle the application requests.

Procedures and HTML

As you can see, procedures provide the foundation and residence for your VBScript code. Although you can place script outside the confines of a procedure, most of your application logic resides within a procedure. You should generally place your VBScript code within the <HEAD> section of an HTML document for readability. You may be tempted to separate your procedures into different script sections as in Listing 7.7.

Listing 7.7. Separating the script.

Function CalculateTotal(A,B)
Total = A+B
CalculateTotal = Total
End Function
Function CalculateAverage(A,B)
Dim GradeAverage
GradeAverage = (A*B)/2
CalculateAverage = GradeAverage
End Function

While VBScript enables you to divide your script into separate sections, as in Listing 7.7, it isn't a good habit to develop from a maintainability and readability standpoint. You should instead make it a habit to place all of your code into one script section. This practice enables you, as well as others who may use your code, to easily understand and locate your scripting code.

Summarizing Procedures

Although this section on procedures may have been refresher for some of you, I hope you have gained a better understanding of the basic building block for your code. VBScript procedures are very similar to Visual Basic and other development tools. Table 7.1 summarizes the three types of procedures and provides a description of each type.

Table 7.1. VBScript procedures.

Procedure Description
Sub Procedure Processes a group of related code statements
Function Processes a group of related code statements and returns a value to the calling program
Event Procedure Control-specific procedure that processes user or system events

Understanding Variables

I have mentioned the term variable several times today. I am sure that you have used variables to develop your applications, but I did want to define the term and outline how you can use variables within the context of VBScript.

New Term: A variable serves as a placeholder for some type of information.

You can use variables to store information that your application logic will need at some point in time. You can access the value of the variable as well as modify its contents.

Types of Variables

There is only one data type for a VBScript variable. The variant serves as the data type for all of the variables that you create within your VBScript code. A variant is very flexible in that it can hold almost any type of information.

New Term: A variant is a special data type that can store all types of information, including strings, numbers, dates, and objects such as ActiveX controls.

When you define a variable, you don't have to state an explicit data type. In other programming languages, you have to specifically define a data type for the variable such as an integer or a date. All variables in VBScript are defined as variants.

You don't have to worry about specifying a data type for your variables. When you assign a value to a variable, VBScript stores additional subtype information about the data that's being held in the variable. This subtype, or category, information helps VBScript determine the usage of variants based on the variable's context. For instance, if you want to add two number variables that are stored as variants, VBScript assumes that the variables are numbers and treat them as such. Textual information is handled in a similar manner, based on the internal subtype of the variable. Table 7.2 describes the different subtypes for a variant data type.

Table 7.2. Variant subtypes.

Subtype Description
Boolean Contains a value of either True or False
Byte Stores integers between 0 and 255
Integer Contains a number between -32,768 and 32,768
Long Contains an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647
Single Contains single precision, floating point data with a range from -1.4E-45 to -3.4E38 for negative numbers and 1.4E-45 to 3.4E38 for positive numbers
Double Contains double precision, floating point, or decimal data with a range from -4.9E-324 to -1.8E308 for negative numbers and 4.9E-324 to 1.8E308 for positive numbers
Date/Time Contains a date including time information between January 1, 100, and December 31, 9999
Empty Contains 0 for numbers and "" for strings; represents a variable that hasn't been assigned a value
Error Contains a VBScript error number
Null Variable that contains no data; represents a variable that has been assigned a value of nothing
String Contains alphanumeric information up to 2 million characters
Object References an object like an ActiveX control

Exposing the Variables Data Type

You can determine and change the subtype that VBScript selects for your variable. There are two ways to discover the subtype. First, you can use the VarType function. This function enables you to request the subtype of a variable. The syntax for this function is as follows:


VariableName is the name of the variable that you are inquiring about. Listing 7.8 illustrates the use of the VarType function:

Listing 7.8. Determining the subtype of a variant.

Function DisplaySubtype(TestVariable)

Dim VariableSubtype

VariableSubtype = VarType(TestVariable) ` 
ÂDetermines the variable subtype
MsgBox "The subtype for the variable is " & VariableSubtype ` 
ÂDisplays the subtype
DisplaySubtype = VariableSubtype `Assigns the value of the subtype 
Âto the function variable

End Function

Listing 7.8 is included on the CD-ROM with this book. You can use this function to determine the subtypes of variables within your application. This function requires that a variable be passed as an argument. The function determines the subtype for this variable and passes the value back to the calling program. I created it as a function that displays a message box as well as returns the value of the variant subtype.

The VarType.htm file on the CD-ROM contains the entire web page that calls the function. To test the function, I populate the argument TestVariable before it's passed to the function. When the web page is loaded, a message box displays the value of the subtype. I used the message box for testing purposes only as well as the hard-coding of the TestVariable. To use this function with your application code, you should copy the function code and insert it into your <SCRIPT> section. Also, if you want to use the return variable but not display the message box, remove the MsgBox line of code.

The second method to determine the subtype of a variant is to use some special functions provided with VBScript. These functions perform a check for a specific data type. After the check is performed, the functions return a value of True or False, indicating whether the variable matches the specific data type of the function. The following list shows the type of VBScript functions that are available:

  • IsArray

  • IsDat

  • IsEmpt

  • IsNul

  • IsNumeri

  • IsObjec

The syntax for each of these functions is as follows:


For example, to call the IsDate function, you would enter


Remember that these functions return a value of either True or False. For this reason, the most typical use of these functions is in the context of testing whether the return value of the function is True or False. This test can be performed using an If...Then...Else statement, which is covered in a later section, "Controlling the Flow of the Program."

NOTE: Refer to Appendix D, "VBScript Language Reference" to discover more about these functions as well as other functions supplied by VBScript.

Changing the Variables Data Type

VBScript also supplies functions to alter the internal data type of a variable. You can use these functions to specifically change the variable subtype that is assigned by VBScript for the variant. Table 7.3 displays the available VBScript functions to change a variant's subtype.

Table 7.3. VBScript subtype conversion functions.

Function Name Description
CBool Converts subtype to Boolean
CByte Converts subtype to Byte
CDate Converts subtype to Date
CDbl Converts subtype to Double
CInt Converts subtype to Integer
CLng Converts subtype to Long
CSng Converts subtype to Single
CStr Converts subtype to String

The syntax for calling these functions is similar to the functions that determine the subtype for a variant. For example, to call the CInt function, you would enter


This function converts the data to the integer format. For all of these functions, you need to assign the return value to a variable:

ChangedVariable = CInt(OriginalVariable)

NOTE: Refer to the section entitled "Controlling the Flow of the Program" for a detailed code example outlining the use of these conversion functions.

Defining the Scope of a Variable

Variables can be used within the context of a procedure. You also can share variables across all of your procedures. The scope of a variable determines its availability to your code.

New Term: Scope refers to the ability of a code statement to access a certain variable's contents. The scope of a variable determines the context for usage by your application.

Variables consist of two types of scope--procedure-level and script-level. Procedure-level scope, sometimes called local scope, refers to variables that are declared within a procedure. Procedure-level variables can only be used and accessed within the context of that procedure.

Script-level scope refers to variables that are defined outside your procedures. Script-level variables can be recognized across all of your procedures. The lifetime of your variable signifies the length of time that the variable exists. Lifetime and scope are closely tied together. While scope determines what code statements have access to the variable, lifetime indicates how long the variable exists in memory. For procedure-level variables, the variable exists only for the life of the procedure. When the procedure ends, the variable no longer exists. Script-level variables exist until the script finishes processing.

You will constantly have a need to use variables. They are a powerful part of any programming language. As you progress through the next few weeks, the proper use of variables will become very evident.

Controlling the Flow of the Program

So far, you have learned about structuring your code through the use of procedures. You also have recognized that variables are a necessary component of any set of code statements. With all of this capability, how do you control your program's flow while unleashing the potential of your code? VBScript, like other programming languages, provides control structures that enable you to designate how your script is executed. Control structures are analogous to highway signs that direct you to the right place. You make decisions, based on these signs, about where to turn and which direction to drive. Similarly, control structures help your code make decisions about which logic to execute. This section covers the basic control structures that are available within VBScript. This section serves as a refresher for those experienced Visual Basic programmers.


This control structure is used to evaluate if a condition is True or False and compares the values of variables. The following code example demonstrates the use of this control structure:

If RoundWorld = True Then
MsgBox "Sail around the world!"
MsgBox "Don't go! You'll fall off the earth!"
End If

Notice the structure of the If...Then...Else statement. You're basically telling your program to evaluate if a condition is true. If it is, you want to execute one piece of code. If the condition isn't true, you want to execute another piece of code. There are several variations to this control structure. The first variation involves only executing a piece of code if a situation is true. You don't care if the situation is false. For this situation, you would enter the following:

If RoundWorld = True Then MsgBox "Sail around the world"

Another variation that is similar to the preceding example is if you want to run multiple lines of code when a situation is true. For this scenario, you would enter

If RoundWorld = True Then
PackedBags = True
lblHouse.Caption = "Gone Sailing"
MsgBox "Sail around the world!"
End If

The End If statement is used in this example to signify the end of the code. You must include this statement when executing multiple lines of code within an If...Then statement.

You also can use this control structure to evaluate and compare the values of variables. For this kind of comparison, you need to use the VBScript comparison operators.

NOTE: VBScript contains comparison, arithmetic, and logical operators. Comparison operators, as the name states, enable you to compare variables. Arithmetic operators enable you to perform mathematical operations between numbers and variables. Logical operators assist you in testing the validity of one or more variables For a comprehensive reference concerning comparison operators, refer to Appendix D.

The following code example demonstrates the use of a comparison operator within an If...Then...Else statement:

If Age >12 Then
MsgBox "You are a teenager."
MsgBox "You are not a teenager."
End If

A final variation includes the ability to construct multiple tests. You can use the ElseIf statement to construct another test within your If...Then...Else statement. The most common use of this structure is when you have multiple comparisons to perform. The following code example illustrates the use of this construct:

If Age <= 12 Then
MsgBox "You are a not a teenager."
ElseIf Age < 20 Then
MsgBox "You are a teenager."
ElseIf Age > 40 Then
MsgBox "It's all downhill from here."
End If

Notice from the previous example that you can construct multiple ElseIf statements within an If...Then...Else statement.

Select Case Statements

Select Case statements are similar in function to the If...Then...Else statement. Select Case statements enable you to execute code based on the value of an expression. You will want to replace an If...Then...Else statement with the Select Case statement when you have multiple conditions to test.

How many ElseIf statements are too much? I usually start to consider a Select Case statement after the third test of a variable. In other words, Listing 7.9 would be a good candidate for a Select Case statement.

Listing 7.9. Unwieldy If...Then...Else statement.

Sub DisplayName(Name)

If Name = "Bob" Then
MsgBox "Your name is Bob."
ElseIf Name = "Mike"
MsgBox "Your name is Mike."
ElseIf Name = "Gina"
MsgBox "Your name is Gina"
ElseIf Name = "Steve"
MsgBox "Your name is Steve"
End If

End Sub

Listing 7.10 shows what the previous listing would look like as a Select Case statement.

Listing 7.10. Providing structure through a Select Case statement.

Sub DisplayName(Name)

Select Case Name
Case "Bob"
MsgBox "Your name is Bob."
Case "Mike"
MsgBox "Your name is Mike."
Case "Gina"
MsgBox "Your name is Gina"
Case "Steve"
MsgBox "Your name is Steve"
Case Else
MsgBox "You don't have a name"
End Select

End Sub

The first statement in the Select Case statement provides the expression to be tested. This expression must have a distinct value. In other words, you can't use a Select Case statement to make comparisons between variables. The lines denoted by the Case statement signify the comparison value for each set of code statements. VBScript traverses the list of Case statements, comparing each value to the test expression. If it finds a match, the code for that Case statement is executed. If no match is found, the code within the Case Else statement is executed.

NOTE: It's a very good programming practice to use the Case Else statement even if you think you have covered all of the possible values in the Case statements. Your code will crash if you don't provide a parachute for the script to execute in case of emergency.

I have provided a function included on the CD-ROM with this book that determines the type of conversion that you want to perform and then converts the variable subtype. This function demonstrates the use of a Case statement in combination with some of the previous functions you learned about earlier today. Listing 7.11 displays the code for this function.

Listing 7.11. Changing a variants data type.

Function ConvertSubtype(ConversionType,OriginalVariable)

Dim ChangedVariable

Select Case ConversionType
Case "Boolean"
ChangedVariable = CBool(OriginalVariable)
Case "Byte"
ChangedVariable = CByte(OriginalVariable)
Case "Date"
ChangedVariable = CDate(OriginalVariable)
Case "Double"
ChangedVariable = CDbl(OriginalVariable)
Case "Integer"
ChangedVariable = CInt(OriginalVariable)
Case "Long"
ChangedVariable = CLng(OriginalVariable)
Case "Single"
ChangedVariable = CStr(OriginalVariable)
Case "String"
ChangedVariable = CStr(OriginalVariable)
Case Else
ChangedVariable = ""
End Select

ConvertSubtype = ChangedVariable

End Function

For...Next Loops

The For...Next loop is a widely used method to control the flow of your code. You can use a For...Next loop to execute a group of code statements a specified number of times. A counter is used to control the number of times that the code is executed. By default, the counter is increased by one for each iteration of the loop. You can set the starting value of the counter as well as the value of the increment. You also can specify that the counter be decremented with each loop iteration. The format of a For...Next loop is as follows:

For counter = beginning to end Step increment
Execute Code segment

counter represents the variable that is going to be incremented, beginning signifies the beginning number of the counter, end represents the ending value for the counter, and increment specifies how much to increase or decrease the counter after each iteration of the loop. The Step statement is optional.

Do Loops

The Do loop provides another popular way to execute your code multiple times. The Do loop can be implemented in a variety of ways. You can use the While keyword to execute a block of code as long as a condition is true. The behavior of the loop changes based on where the While keyword is placed in the loop. If the While keyword is placed in the opening line of the loop, VBScript first checks to see if the condition is true before executing the code segment. The syntax for the Do...While loop is

Do While condition
...block of code statements

You also can place the While keyword at the end of the loop to execute the code at least once before exiting the loop. The syntax for the Do...Loop...While is

...block of code statements
Loop While condition

You also can use the Until keyword to execute a block of code until a condition becomes true. The same rules for the While keyword concerning placement within the loop apply to the Until keyword.

Using VBScript to Extend Your Web Page

Now that you have learned some of the basics of VBScript, I want to walk you through two examples of using VBScript to extend and enhance the functionality of your web page. These examples are included on the CD-ROM with this book.

Validating User Input

The first example uses VBScript code to validate an input field for a form. The script validates that the user enters a numeric value between 1 and 10. The application displays a different message box based on a correct or incorrect entry. Listing 7.12 shows the web page and the VBScript code for this example.

Listing 7.12. Validating user input.

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<TITLE>Validating User Input</TITLE>
Sub Verify_OnClick
Dim MyForm
Set MyForm = Document.ValidForm
If IsNumeric(MyForm.txtEntry.Value) Then
If MyForm.txtEntry.Value < 1 Or MyForm.txtEntry.Value > 10 Then
MsgBox "Please enter a number between 1 and 10."
MsgBox "Your entry was correct."
End If
MsgBox "Please enter a numeric value."
End If
End Sub
<H3> Validating the user input</H3><HR>
<FORM NAME="ValidForm" Action="">
Enter a value between 1 and 10:
<INPUT NAME="txtEntry" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="2">

In Listing 7.12, I use an HTML form to provide the user interface. For the purposes of this example, it isn't important that you understand how to implement an HTML form. I will explain the use of HTML forms and controls on Day 12, "Using Basic and Advanced HTML Form Controls." Figure 7.1 displays what happens when the user types in an incorrect entry.

Figure 7.1.

An invalid entry.

Although this example is simple in nature, you should be able to get a feel for how to integrate the power of VBScript into your HTML code. At the beginning of the day, I explained that user input validation was an important capability of client-side script. If you didn't use scripting code on the client, you would have to pass the entry and validate the information with a program on the server. If the input is wrong, you have to send a message back down to the client informing the user to enter the data again. This process could be repeated several times before the user enters a correct value for the field.

In Listing 7.12, you see the value of having the script resident within the web page on the client. Once the user enters a value and presses the Verify button, the input is instantly validated on the client machine. For the purposes of this example, a message box is displayed informing the user whether the entry was valid or not. Figure 7.2 shows the results of typing a correct value and pressing the Verify button.

Figure 7.2.

A valid entry.

In the context of a more robust application, you might pass a valid entry on to the server for further processing.

Integrating VBScript with Controls

This next example illustrates how you can use client-side script to act as the "glue" between multiple objects and controls within your web page. In the example, I use an HTML Layout control to build the interface. You will learn how to construct an application with ActiveX controls and the Layout control on Day 13, "Interacting with Objects and ActiveX Controls," and on Day 15, "Integrating Objects into Your Applications." For the purposes of the example, focus on the way that VBScript interacts with the controls.

This application is a simple payment window that enables the user to enter the payment type for an order. If the user chooses Cash or Check, the Credit Card and Credit Card Number fields are disabled. Figure 7.3 demonstrates an example of selecting the Cash option button.

Figure 7.3.

Selecting to pay by cash.

When the user clicks the Credit Card option button, the credit card information fields are enabled, allowing the user to enter the credit card type and number. The Submit button is enabled after the user enters information for both of these fields. Figure 7.4 illustrates how the page looks when the user selects to pay by credit card and enters the credit card information.

Listing 7.13 reveals the code that helps to integrate the activities of the different controls on this page.

Figure 7.4.

Entering credit card information.

Listing 7.13. Selecting a payment type.

Sub Layout2_OnLoad()
cmdSubmit.Enabled = False
End Sub

Sub optCash_OnClick()
call DisableCard()
End Sub

Sub optCheck_OnClick()
call DisableCard()
End Sub

Sub DisableCard()
txtCreditCard.Enabled = False
txtCardNumber.Enabled = False
lblCreditCard.Enabled = False
lblCardNumber.Enabled = False
End Sub

Sub optCredit_OnClick()
txtCreditCard.Enabled = True
txtCardNumber.Enabled = True
lblCreditCard.Enabled = True
lblCardNumber.Enabled = True
Call CheckFields()
End Sub

Sub txtCreditCard_Change()
Call CheckFields()
End Sub

Sub txtCardNumber_Change()
Call CheckFields()
End Sub

Sub CheckFields()
If txtCreditCard.Text = "" Or txtCardNumber.Text = "" Then
cmdSubmit.Enabled = False
cmdSubmit.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

You can sample this application on the CD-ROM with this book. The code for an HTML Layout control is encompassed within the .alx file. You need to open this file and use the Script Wizard to view the script for the different control events and actions. You can see from the listing that user and system events trigger actions that you can process within your script. These tasks should not be passed to the server. For example, the credit card information fields are disabled when the user selects to pay by cash or check. This user interface function is ideal for the client to process.


You have ended the week on a very informative note. Hopefully, some of this information served as a refresher for you. If you have used Visual Basic before, you should notice the glaring similarities it has with VBScript. These similarities are only natural, because VBScript is a subset of the Visual Basic language. This lesson attempted to focus on the advantages of using a language like VBScript to enhance the functionality of your web page from a client perspective. As you enter the second week, you will discover the power that awaits on the server side of the equation.

Today you received an overview of how to use scripting code on the client, discovering both the power and some of the drawbacks of client-side script. Next, you learned about VBScript and JavaScript--two of the most widely used and popular scripting languages today. The lesson presented a brief introduction and definition for each of these languages. For further information on these languages, refer to Appendix D, "VBScript Language Reference," and Appendix E, "JavaScript Language Reference."

The latter part of the lesson provided you with some of the basics of VBScript. This part of the lesson taught you some of the more robust features and capabilities of the VBScript language. Finally, you saw some specific examples of VBScript and web page interaction. You can inspect these examples further by accessing them from the CD-ROM included with this book.


Q Can I use JavaScript and VBScript within my web page?

While Visual InterDev supports the both JavaScript and VBScript, you can only use one scripting language per page.

Q What is the difference between VBScript, VBA, and Visual Basic

Visual Basic is the parent language for both VBA and VBScript. Visual Basic provides both a robust language and development environment for client-server development. VBA and VBScript are subsets of Visual Basic. VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications and is geared toward the power user. VBA is the programming language for the Microsoft Office suite of applications. VBScript is yet another derivative that is geared specifically for HTML web pages. VBScript can be used both on the client and the server side of a Web-based application. Refer to the Visual InterDev online help for a comprehensive list of VBA features that aren't included in VBScript.

Q What is a variant

A variant serves as the lone data type for all variables in VBScript. The variant can handle multiple data types, including numbers, text, dates, and objects. VBScript categorizes the data that is stored within a variant through the use of subtypes. These subtypes help VBScript to classify and perform operations on a variant.


Using the code examples provided in today's lesson as well as the samples on the CD-ROM, practice using some of the VBScript principles that you used today. Specifically, you should become familiar with creating sub procedures and functions for your code. Also, develop a script that takes advantage of the program control structures. After developing this code, analyze the results to determine if the code acts the way you think it should. Be prepared to answer the questions of why or why not.

You also should make a list of additional uses of client-side script, besides the ones mentioned in this chapter. This list will help you better apply the concepts that you learned today when you begin putting all of the pieces together to build your application.


1. What is the difference between Java and JavaScript?

What is the difference between a function and a sub procedure?

. What is the difference between "Null" and "Empty"?

What does the ByVal statement do?

. Given the following code segment, how many times will the code within the loop execute before the loop terminates?
	Sub cmdCalculate_OnClick()
	Dim A, B, C
	A = 10
	B = 20
	Do While A > B
	C = A - B
	A = A - B
	End Sub

Quiz Answers

1. Java is a programming language designed to create applications and applets, or "mini" applications. Java is a compiled language. JavaScript, on the other hand, is an interpreted language that resides within HTML on a web page. JavaScript is designed to provide scripting functionality to your web pages.

A sub procedure is a group of related code statements that work together to complete a task. A function is different from a sub procedure in its ability to actually return a value back to the program that called the function. A sub procedure cannot return a value back to the calling program. A sub procedure and a function are two types of procedures.

"Null" indicates that the variable has been intentionally set to equal nothing. "Empty" represents a variable whose contents have not been assigned a value.

The ByVal statement enables you to pass a variable by value to a procedure. Passing a variable by value makes a copy of the variable for the procedure to access and modify within the scope of that procedure. Any changes made to the variable within the procedure aren't reflected back to the calling program.

The answer is zero. The Do...While loop executes a block of code as long as a condition is true. The Do...While loop checks the condition first before executing the code. If the condition is false, as in this case, the code within the loop won't be executed.