====== CardDav address book in Mutt ====== The reference distribution is a **Debian 12 Bookworm**. Install the Debian packages: * **khard** * **vdirsyncer** ===== Configuration ===== Directories to be: created * **$HOME/.contacts/personal/addresses/** * **$HOME/.local/share/vdirsyncer/status/** Configuration files: * **$HOME/.config/khard/khard.conf** * **$HOME/.config/vdirsyncer/config** ===== Using from the command line ===== **Syncing** CardDav from remote host to locale: vdirsyncer sync **Searching** into local address book: khard fausto Address book: personal Index Name Phone Email Uid 1 Fausto Coppi cell: +393251234567 1de 2 Fausto Bertoglio cell: +393275553232 af1 **Editing** a local contact: khard edit "Nome Cognome" **Creating** a new local contact: khard new ===== Using from mutt ===== ===== Web References ===== * **[[https://www.jan0sch.de/post/synchronise-caldav-and-carddav-data-with-vdirsyncer/|Synchronise CalDAV and CardDAV data for khal and khard with Vdirsyncer]]** * **[[https://srivathsan.me/posts/2020/07/12/vdirsyncer-and-khard.html| Vdirsyncer and Khard]]** * **[[https://khard.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scripting.html|Khard Scripting]]**