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PHP MapScript Recipes

Return a map image from a map file

We can build an image from a working map file. Here we just turn on one layer, setting its status to DEFAULT:

// PHP MapScript example.
// Display a map as an inline image or embedded into an HTML page.
$inline = true;
$map_path = '/var/www/mapfiles/';
$mapfile = '';
$map = ms_newMapObj($map_path . $mapfile);
$layer = $map->getLayerByName('layer_name');
$layer->set('status', MS_DEFAULT);
$map_image = $map->draw();
if ($inline) {
    header('Content-Type: image/png');
$image_url = $map_image->saveWebImage();
<TITLE>PHP MapScript example: Display the map</TITLE>
<IMG SRC=<?php echo $image_url; ?> >

Build a map from scratch

Generate the legend image

We need a mapfile with all the necessary to display the legend.

We can return just the legend image via PHP code. The image can be served as an inline image or as a web image from the temporary directory.

// PHP MapScript example.
// Display a map legend as an inline image or embedded into an HTML page.
$inline = true;
$mapfile = $_REQUEST['mapfile'];
$map = ms_newMapObj($map_path . $mapfile);
$legend_image = $map->drawLegend();
if ($inline) {
    header('Content-Type: image/png');
$image_url = $legend_image->saveWebImage();
<TITLE>PHP MapScript example: Display the legend</TITLE>
<IMG SRC=<?php echo $image_url; ?> >

The mapfile requires all the relevant entries, among them: MAP.FONTSET, MAP.WEB.IMAGEPATH, MAP.WEB.IMAGEURL, MAP.LEGEND.

For inline images you can omit web paths, because no temporary images will be created.

Make a query

Open an existing map file and perform a query by rectangle on a layer.

$map = ms_newMapObj("/var/www/");
$selrect = ms_newrectObj();
$selrect->setextent(1681023, 4850413, 1681906, 4851167);
$buffer = $map->processquerytemplate(array(), false);
print "<table border=\"1\">\n";
print $buffer;
print "</table>\n";

The query is definend in the MAP.LAYER section, and it requires a query template:

    TEMPLATE "query_template.html"
      DESCRIPTION    "Impianti Pubblicitari"
      RESULT_FIELDS  "objectid,field1,field2"
      RESULT_HEADERS "ID,Heading1,Heading2"

This is an example for query_template.html:

<!-- MapServer Template -->
<tr><td>[item name=objectid]</td><td>[item name=field1]</td><td>[item name=field2]</td></tr>
tecnica/gps_cartografia_gis/php_mapscript_recipes.1267208730.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/02/26 19:25 by niccolo