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Riferimenti Web

Dati geografici liberi
VMAP0 Vector Map (VMap) Level 0 is an updated and improved version of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's (NIMA) Digital Chart of the World (DCW®). The VMap Level 0 database provides worldwide coverage of vector-based geospatial data which can be viewed at 1:1,000,000 scale, i.e. 1cm=10km. It consists of geographic, attribute, and textual data stored on CD-ROM or as downloaded files.
The GEOnet Names Server (GNS) provides access to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's (NGA) and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names' (US BGN) database of foreign geographic feature names. The database is the official repository of foreign place-name decisions approved by the US BGN. Approximately 20,000 of the database's features are updated monthly. Geographic Area of Coverage: Worldwide excluding the United States and Antarctica.

Downloaded the archive, 220 Mb compressed. Data is described into gis_contryfiles.html.
Geonames provides free geo-data such as geographical names and postal codes. The database contains over 6 million entries for geographical names whereof 2.2 million cities and villages (more statistics …). The data is accessible free of charge through a number of webservices and a daily database export. The geonames webservices offer free geocoding based on geographical names or postal codes.

Geonames is integrating geographical data such as names, altitude, population and others from various sources. Users may manually edit, correct and add new names using a user friendly wiki interface.
This web site will allow you to download the boundaries and layers of different countries, in Arc/INFO export format, from ESRI's Digital Chart of the World data set. Our mapping function will give you a preview of the data. The entire data set is also available, on CD-ROM, at the Pennsylvania State University's Maps Library or from ESRI.
Waypoint Italia. L'Istituto Nazionale di Statistica ha tra i suoi obiettivi una diffusione ampia, sollecita e facile dei dati e delle analisi provenienti dai censimenti e dalle altre rilevazioni correnti. Tutti i prodotti diffusi dall'Istat, comprese speciali elaborazioni personalizzate, possono essere richieste al Centro diffusione di Roma e ai Centri d'informazione statistica presenti in ogni regione. Tutti i dati dell'Istituto Nazionale di Statistica possono essere utilizzati e pubblicati a condizione di citarne la fonte.

Dati parzialmente liberi

PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS spatially enables the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS).
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) built for Linux/Unix. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU Public License.
MapServer is an OpenSource development environment for constructing spatially enabled Internet-web applications. The software builds upon other popular OpenSource or freeware systems including Shapelib, FreeType, Proj.4, GDAL/OGR. MapServer will run where most commercial systems won't or can't, on Linux/Apache platforms. MapServer is known to compile on most versions of UNIX/Linux, Microsoft Windows and even MacOS.
OpenLayers is a pure JavaScript library for displaying map data in most modern web browsers, with no server-side dependencies. OpenLayers implements a (still-developing) JavaScript API for building rich web-based geographic applications. OpenLayers is Free Software, developed for and by the Open Source software community. OpenLayers implements industry-standard methods for geographic data access, such as the OpenGIS Consortium's Web Mapping Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) protocols.

OpenLayers Feature Info
Query a database from an OpenLayers map, using GetFeatureInfo to an OWS (Open Geospatial Consortium Web Service).
Framework to facilitate the setup of a MapServer application based on PHP/MapScript. DHTML (DOM) zoom/pan interface, Pan/zoom with mouse wheel, keyboard keys, slider, and reference map, Query functions and hyperlinks, Print functions: HTML and PDF, …and
ka-Map is an open source project that is aimed at providing a javascript API for developing highly interactive web-mapping interfaces using features available in modern web browsers.
Commonly referred to as GRASS, this is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings around the world, as well as by many governmental agencies and environmental consulting companies.
Repository di software relativo al GIS pacchettizzato per Debian. Aggiungere in /etc/apt/sources.list una riga del tipo:

deb unstable main non-free contrib

Differencies between Debian packages and are summarized in this and that pages.
Demo that uses the PHP/mapscript interface which render data from a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and that is connected to the same PostGIS database through the AppForMap PostGIS interface, so advanced query and feature editing on the web are available.
Interfaccia Javascript a MapServer. Per costruire una mappa interattiva semplice e rapida: zoom, pan, toggle layer, reference map. Richiedes solo Javascript.
Chameleon is a distributed, highly configurable, environment for developing Web Mapping applications. It is built on MapServer as the core mapping engine and works with all MapServer supported data formats through a regular MAP file. Probably there are several problems installing Chameleon on Debian Sarge, see
Article about Build AJAX-Based Web Maps Using ka-Map: The recent popularization of certain web technologies used by Google Maps has encouraged the development of more interactive web mapping techniques

Organizzazioni e standard
The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) is a non-profit, international, voluntary consensus standards organization that is leading the development of standards for geospatial and location based services.

Sportello cartografico Regione Toscana

tecnica/gps_cartografia_gis/riferimenti_web.txt · Last modified: 2008/08/28 15:05 by